
Minnie Fisher Cunningham, of Galveston, was president of the Texas Equal Suffrage Association from 1915 to 1920 and became the first executive secretary of the National League of Women Voters. She was an important leader in the campaign for votes for women on the state and national levels. She was one of the first women in Texas to receive a pharmacy degree from the University of Texas medical school, graduating in 1901. In 1923, she organized a Women's National Democratic Club. She lost races for the U.S. Senate in 1928 and for governor in 1944.
Biography Source Information
Biographies are reprinted from the Foundation for Women’s Resources (now Women’s Resources), Dallas, Texas. They originally appeared in "From Gutsy Mavericks to Quiet Heroes: True Tales of Texas Women," video study guide, Austin: The Foundation for Women's Resources, 1997. Death dates have been added where needed.